Town of Adams 2022 Annual Meeting

TOWN OF ADAMS Annual Meeting Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Agenda   Annual Meeting – 7:00pm Call Meeting to Order Minutes of 2021 Annual Meeting Financial Report Set Date for 2023 Meeting and Adjourn

April Town Board Meeting

TOWN OF ADAMS Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Agenda  Board Meeting – 7:30pm Call to Order Approve Agenda Minutes of Previous Meeting Treasurer Report Friendship Lake District Report Friendship Lake District Leasing of Land Update – Discussion and/or Action Ambulance Service Report Fire District Report Adams County Solid Waste – Monthly Update from …

Adams County Ambulance Meeting

Adams County Ambulance Board Meeting Agenda April 27th, 2022 6:00p.m. Adams Town Hall Call the Meeting to Order Approval of the agenda Approval of Minutes from the last meeting Lifestar report Old business items New business Items for the next meeting agenda Set the date for the next meeting Adjourn