June 2018 Board Meeting

Adams Town Hall 1980 11th Avenue, Friendship, WI, United States

Agenda: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3

July 2018 Board Meeting

Adams Town Hall 1980 11th Avenue, Friendship, WI, United States

Regular Monthly Meeting

October Town Board Meeting

Adams Town Hall 1980 11th, Friendship, WI, United States

Board Meeting Call to Order Approve Agenda Minutes of Previous Meeting Treasurer Report Friendship Lake District Report Ambulance Service Report Fire District Report Rezone and/or Conditional Use Requests – Discussion and/or Action Penny Wormet – Rezone 4 acres from A1-R2 – 1391 County Rd F Jim Kolinski/Ashley Smejkal – Conditional Use/Rezone from A1 to B1 …

Town Caucus and Monthly Board Meeting

Adams Town Hall 1980 11th, Friendship, WI, United States

TOWN OF ADAMS Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday, January 19, 2021 – 7:00PM Agenda   Caucus Open Caucus –Town Chair to Appoint Person to Conduct Meeting Call for Nominations of Board Positions Close Caucus Board Meeting Call to Order Approve Agenda Convene to Executive Session for Employee Concerns and Evaluations Audit of Township Accounts Minutes of …

Public Hearing and Special Board Meeting

Adams Town Hall 1980 11th Avenue, Friendship, WI, United States

TOWN OF ADAMS Public Hearing and Special Board Meeting ­­­­Thursday, March 4, 2021 – 7:30PM Agenda Public Hearing Call Public Hearing to Order Proposed Town Comprehensive Plan future land use map Amendment from Woodlands to Rural Residential relating to property owned by Ashley Smejkal, described as a 25 acre the parcel of land identified as parcel number …