Adams County Ambulance Meeting

Adams County Ambulance Meeting July 26, 2023 5pm Call the meeting to order Approve the agenda. Approve minutes from the last meeting. Lifestar report. Items for next meeting agenda Set next meeting date Adjourn

Town Board Meeting

  TOWN OF ADAMS Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Agenda   Board Meeting – 7:30pm Call the meeting to order Approve Agenda Minutes of Previous Meeting Treasurer Report Friendship Lake District Report Ambulance Service Report Fire District Report Adams County Solid Waste – Monthly Update Town of Adams 2024 Assessing Services – Discussion …

Town Board Special Meeting

    TOWN OF ADAMS Special Meeting Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Agenda   Board Meeting – 7:00pm Call the meeting to order Approve Agenda Adjourn to Executive Session Discussion of Highway Department Personnel Rise Out of Executive Session Action on Highway Department Personnel Adjourn

Town Board Meeting

TOWN OF ADAMS Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Agenda   Board Meeting – 7:30pm Call the meeting to order Approve Agenda Minutes of Previous Meeting Treasurer Report Friendship Lake District Report Ambulance Service Report Fire District Report Approval of 2024 Fire District Budget – Action Adams County Solid Waste Monthly Update Confirmation of …

Town Board Meeting

TOWN OF ADAMS Monthly Board Meeting Thursday, October 19, 2023 Agenda Call the meeting to order Approve Agenda Minutes of Previous Meeting Treasurer Report Friendship Lake District Report Ambulance Service Report Fire District Report Adams County Solid Waste Monthly Usage Update Confirmation of Specials Amount – Discussion and Action Initial Budget Review – Discussion and/or …

Town of Adams – Budget Hearing and Special Meeting of Town Electors

TOWN OF ADAMS Budget Hearing - Special Meeting of Town Electors Town Board Meeting (To Immediately Follow) Tuesday, November 21, 2023 – 7:00PM Agenda   Town Budget Hearing Call to Order by Chairman Euclide Proposed Budget Anyone Present May Make Suggestions for Change Motion and Second to Close the Meeting   Special Meeting of Town …